Friday, August 31, 2007

Satay Street

Nama sebenarnya adalah Lau Pa Sat Festival Market atau di Boon Tat St. Terletak di Chinatown sekitar 10 menit jalan kaki dari tempat saya tinggal sekarang. Seperti nama julukannya, jalan ini dipenuhi penjual sate. Los untuk kios dari ujung ke ujung sekitar 20 kios semuanya menjual paket sate ayam, sate kambing dan sate udang.

Sebenarnya Satay St ini bagian dari foodcourt yang berada di jalan itu. Foodcourt-nya sendiri sangat cantik karena dibuat dari casting baja ala jaman kolonial Inggris. Karena itu kios2 sate harus berada di luar hingga melibatkan pembakaran dan berefek asap enggak mengganggu didalam. Tempat makannya juga di jalan, ngg pake tenda.

Nah yang cukup unik adalah jalan ini baru boleh dirubah jadi restoran jalanan kalau udah menunjukkan pukul 7 malam pas. Jadi di tepi jalan udah bersiap bapak2 dengan kursi plastik dan meja juga pagar pembatas menanti tepat pukul tujuh malem. Setelah 'theng' barulah pagar besi ditarik untuk menutup jalan Boon Tat St. Dalam waktu kurang dari 30 menit, tempat ini udah ramai dikunjungi pencari makan.

Jumat malam lalu kami kesana. Mencoba memesan paket dasar 10 sate ayam, 10 sate kambing dan 5 sate udang. Harganya dipatok $20 plus $1 untuk dua potong lontong. Mungkin terasa mahal karena umumnya sate disini cuma jadi kayak snek saja, sedang makanan utama yang lebih bisa dipesan di foodcourt.

Sate kambing dan sate ayam buat kita termasuk terlalu manis. Tapi sate kambing agak cukup menolong karena rasa manis untuk menutupi kandungan lemaknya. Sedang yang udang dibuat asin. Sepertinya ditaburi garam atau dilumuri sebelum dan sesudah dibakar. Boleh dibilang sate udangnya lebih mengesankan jika diberi kecap manis ala Bango atau ABC.

Bumbunya juga lumayan, tapi katanya kurang pedas. Menurut saya sih udah cukup spicy dengan gerusan kacang yang masih dibiarkan cruncy. Ngg terlalu halus banget. Cuma rasa kacang Singapura beda yah dengan kacang jawa....rasanya kok kurang gurih gitu atau emang lidah saya yang beda?

Makan di Satay St kesannya mungkin terlalu turis buat kita. Tapi malam itu hanya sekitar 5% yang berwajah asing. Lainnya adalah lokal. Kata kawan jalan saya, memang ini populer untuk orang Singapura. Beberapa tahun lalu ia merasakan sate disini atas ajakan kawan.

Tapi jangan dibandingkan dengan sate Braddell yah...


Kutu Loncat : Club St-Bukit Timah-Robertson Quay

Hari ini saya boyongan lagi. Kalau dipikir sudah 4-5kali saya angkut2 ransel di Singapura ini. Berpindah dari satu hotel ke apartemen vice versa. Dari klas backpackeran sampai yang bintang terang benderang. Walau belum pernah homeless tapi jadi kutu loncat disini banyak sekali pelajaran berharga.

Last minute pencarian akhirnya terdampar di sekitar Chinatown. Masih inget foto rumah warna-warni disini? Ruas jalan di photo itu bernama Club St. Seperti namanya jalan ini dipenuhi klab atau tempat kumpul. Asyiknya sih karena dulu daerah ini adalah pemukiman dan perdagangan China hingga 1848 setelah dibeli oleh keluarga Chia Ann Siang. Sebelumnya daerah ini adalah perkebunan kemiri dan cengkeh empunya Charles Scott yang gagal panen karena serangan hama.

Walau udah ratusan tahun arsitektur bangunan masih dipertahankan. Banyak bertabur restaurant seperti Indochine. Salah satu tetangga saya adalah BBC dan beberapa gallery seni. Tapi tinggal di Club St sebenarnya bukan karena mau ngeklab saban malam. Kami suka aja dengan lingkungan yang beda dengan Singapura yang difigurkan kota modern.

Hasil kelayaban hari ini menemukan jalan tikus yang menghubungkan Club St dengan daerah CBD di Cecil St dan Robinson St. Asyiknya jalan tikus itu sebenarnya dirubah jadi taman yakni Ann Siang Hill Park. Dibuat berkelok-kelok dan tetap hijau. Banyak banget pekerja kerah putih di CBD Singapura lantas menghabiskan malam di Club St melewati jalan pintas ini.

Sering berpindah tempat ini membuat mata saya jadi makin terbuka dengan sisi lain kota ini. Minggu lalu saya di Dunearn Rd didaerah Bukit Timah, enggak jauh dari Botanic Garden yang asri itu. Eee ternyata disitu dijadikan pangkalan orang Singapura ke Johor Bahru.

Minggu sebelumnya saya malahan di daerah Robertson Quay yang mengingatkan pertama kali lillahita'ala merantau disini. Banyak perubahan selama dua tahun ini. Tapi rasanya tinggal di Club St ini memberi kesan yang berbeda. Lebih terasa di rumah.


Monday, August 27, 2007

Tarip bis dari Singapore ke 5 kota Malaysia

Cuma catatan untuk kebutuhan. Data diambil dari harian the Strait Times edisi 28 Agustus 2007. Daftar Agency yang harganya tercantum file attachement (silakan didunlud)

Grassland Express and Tours
101 Upper Cross St, B1-69
People's Park Centre
phone : 6533 1166

Five Stars Tours
5001 Beach Road, 01-27
Golden Mile Complex
phone :6294 7011

Konsortium Express & Tours
6001 Beach Road, 01-52B
Golden Mile Complex
phone : 6392 3911

Lavender St junction off Bus Sta at Kallang Bahru
phone : 6294 7034

Transtar Travel
5001 Beach Road, 01-15
Golden Mile Complex
phone 6299 9009

Gunung Raya Travel
5001 Beach Road, 03-32
Golden Mile Complex
phone : 6294 7711

No. #02-53, 1 Maritime Square,
HarbourtFront Centre,
Singapore 099253
phone :
(603) 6258 8800

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Borneo Revisited Feb 2005 : Mt Kinabalu

We arrived in Kota Kinabalu (KK) from Johor Bahru at 28 Feb 2005 late evening. Flight been re-scheduled two hours from expected departure time. Air Asia sent sms regarding this matter that allow me to book domestic flight in Borneo. From airport to Borneo Backpacker place we stayed that night we took taxi cost RM17 (15minutes drive). Just booked in and served with dormitory room without AC cost RM20 each. Not too bad though, soon we realized that this time was off peak season and not weekend days.

We couldn’t sleep that night. We reckoned the room was quite hot and loud. The location of the BB lied by the main road in KK. We heard motorcycle drove madly by skidding all around the city at 2am ! Next morning we were heading to National Parks by walk to the shuttle bus to bus station. Only 5 minutes walk from BB. We took 730am bus then catched the 745am express bus to Sandakan. We paid RM20 each on the site and jumped ourselves into it. The journey was quite pleasant with view of the villages and hill side of the Kinabalu. It took 2 hours then we reached the parks at 10am.

I straight to the Sutera Sanctuary Lodge counter to resume our booking. Then register on the Parks counter. All the paper work regarding our climbing and accommodation also pay by cash for climbing permits (RM100each for foreigner, guide RM70, insurance RM7 and plus storage for bag each RM10). But we did not have that all amount the money ! We got to pay in US dollars which is not recommended. We did not have choice, this is our fault that we forgot to get some cash while we were in JB. Never mind …

All sort it then we got climbing permits. Wow fancy badges (hmm make sure that we will swap in when we were on top Mt Kinabalu ) and several forms that gave in to our guide Ben John as checking note. At 1030 we started walking with several people behind. The first 2km were lovely, mainly lots people walked up and walked down. The vegetation just like jungle forest with fern and trees. Then we reached the km 4.5 where we found nepenthes or pitcher plants. Some of them were enormous with diameter of 20-30cm, some were tiny about 0.5cm in diameter. Bright red rhododendron were really pretty while mountain white orchid was everywhere near the path.

The last kilometer was hard and tough. I started feeling exhausted apart from not enough having sleep a night before, but also the gradient becoming more vertical. We pushed our luck to get the resthouse before dark. Ben Jon really helpful with carrying my rucksack on half way up. I was end up carrying camera and video/audio equipment instead. The Nat Park rule about porter carrying load was maximum at 10kg per person and you got to pay them about RM50. But mine was about 11kg !

Around 330pm (about 5 hrs hiked up) we arrived at Laban Rata Resthouse –a two storey building with rooms for rest and a fancy restaurant. Actually there are three more huts in this area but only Laban Rata is the biggest and warmest. Eventually with RM69 per night for dormitory room sound luxury in this altitude. But I thought a cup of Sabah tea was reward for today walking.

We had to share a room with three Malaysian. The dorm itself was OK, quite tidy for us. We just need a good sleep and good food. There is NO hot shower even the parks promise that in their website. Imagine you had to do shower in temperature about 5C water ! The sensation was unbearable. I did manage though ! The foods were fantastic specially chicken and corn soup also deep fried banana with sabah tea. Hm lovely…

We went to bed early at 6pm ahead from the Malaysian gank. Then it came. The sound of snore from the girl next to me was so loud that I can’t believe those irritating sound from. I couldn’t sleep again until 1 o’clock while that girl woke up and put the light on. Oh Dear ! Started climbing about 230 after a light breakfast and cup a tea. The climbing was quite straight forward while we have to do in the dark. The weather helped quite lots. No rain during our walking earlier and those night was clear with stars. A big number of climber that night, I reckoned about 200 people attempted to conquer the summit.

The granite slope of Kinabalu actually not slippery at all. The life line that remark the path was helpful to see the way. But useless to hold your hands while their been set up too low to the ground. I thought it might be set for descent rather than accent Kinabalu. Then after quite taxing climb about 3.5 hours we managed to reach the Low’s Peak (4,095.2m) and watched the sunrise behind King Edward peak. The sheer rock from St John Peak and the Donkey Peak were amazing. After dark out and sun arise we could see the rock formations on the U shape that divide the Low’s peak with others. The chilly wind was not too bad apart from the temperature drop about zero.

We celebrated Mark's birthday right on top of Kinabalu with flag that me and Paul prepared earlier on. The walked down through granite was quite easy. I did not need rope for most of the section, but few of them need descending in right way due the gradient. I can say that most of the stone walks were safe for fit and in good shape after spent hours ascending. The view still amazing, and with morning light was a perfect for photographing the peaks on that day. The weather still on our side, no fog and clouds appeared during our descent. The temperature was improving just like the sun started arising. It was gorgeous !

It took about 2.5 hours to reach Laban Rata. With cup a tea that heal our fatigue from sleepless night we started our day . Then another breakfast that make our morning looked perfect. Two hours later we were heading down back to the main gate. Again the pain of walking down start hurting my legs. We were keep moving specially in last 3km, stopped only when raining poring down. Believe me that was a maschocistic trekking down ..

We managed to take pictures of plants along the path, specially Nepenthes and Necklace orchids. Birds were everywhere, mainly they eats wild berry that grow abundantly in this area. The Mountain Blackeye and Yellow Breasted Warbler were move really quick if we try catch them. Anyway we had many pictures of plants and also many interesting species to see.

We headed down to the gate and arrived about 4pm. The shuttle bus that carry us to the park was waiting. Then we reported our descent and also get the key for our place in Summit Lodge. I need to negotiate with local driver to arrange transport for Mark to Kadazan village –the nearest place to get cash money. It cost RM15 about a half an hour for him before appeared at our pretty lodge. The Summit Lodge has two bedrooms and really cozy. It was quite surprised for me. The interior's lodge looks luxurious for budget backpacker like us. Anyway we cannot complain. That’s what we need. After not much sleep in last two days and a hard 11.5km walking, we definitely need proper rest.

To book the accomodation at Kinabalu Nat Park :
Sutera Sanctuary

More Sources :
Climbing Mt Kinabalu > the track and equipments needed

Fees and prices of climbing Mt Kinabalu

Note :
Booking for climbing permits was quite challenging. You can use credit card to pay permits and the accomodation (specially Laban Rata), but it need paper works such as confirmation sent by email/fax/phone. Only pay for accommodation for secure the booking, but climbing permits, insurance, guide etc paid on the site.
Make sure you've got the permits before book the flight. You can go show to the Kinabalu National Park but you'll relay on other people cancellation. Don't make any gamble without consideration.

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Monday, August 20, 2007

Magsafe : another rip-off from Apple

I have been using Macbook Black 13 inc for more than a year when I realised there were something not quite right about the magnetic power connector called Magsafe. At first I thought that was good idea to hold to the machine not so tight. It’s neat and beautiful design. Soon it became apparent problem when I noticed that some pins were losing the grip.

In the past two weeks, the power supply did not charge properly. Sometimes it charged, sometime it didn’t. I suspected the bad connector from the pin which came off easily as I am quite mobile to take Macbook everywhere while travelling including outdoor.

I was waiting in pain when after all I back to Singapore the power charges virtually dead. The only possibility was to repair DIY of the connector for time being. Open the white plastic outside and looked the problem. This is the only way you can actually see inside the pins. Broken it in pieces. Then Ok we saw the problem. As we predicted the pins somehow lose the grips. Not the magnetic, nor the power adaptor. We were also smell burned from the pins as overheat occured. We've done everything to safe our computer and data caused by small bits of the pins!

The bad news was we couldn’t remember if the Macbook still under the 1 year warranty from Apple. So we braced ourselves came to the Services Centre in Epicentre Apple Reseller at Wheelock Place Orchard Rd, traced down when we bought it. After few arguments with the Apple's guy (note : seemed he more aware about this problem), we have to back home with head down.

The guy said that the pins was in ruin. He obviously can see the DIY job we’ve done. We explained that the only way to see the problem was by wrecked the plastic cover. I was in the middle Dorset in UK and urgently need the power. Should I wait the Apple service guy came to see it ? by flying across the continents in nearly half day flight? Come on guys..

We suggested to put the responsibility on 50-50. At least Apple was part of the mechanical disaster pins that led me without power. Unfortunately they won as we don’t want to argue even more for these stupid argument. I have to buy the new set of power connector at SGD$150 just to replace those bloody pins.

Suggestion :
So if you've got Macbook, be prepare for these pins problem. Check your due for 1 year warranty, make sure your power supply in top condition before end of the periods. Report if you suspect any reduce of performances.

Most of people faces the problem when Macbook about 12-14 month of the use. As mine was about 14.5 month after bought in early June but only been used about one month after those time.

Some review about Magsafe safety on Gizmodo and dramatic effect of burning pictures at Flickr

DIY = do-it-yourself


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Lady in Torture (aka Pijat Addicts)

Sejak bayi saya sudah dipijat. Entah karena rewel kecapaian ataupun dicurigai kena teluh. Sampai-sampai saya punya pemijat tetap bernama Mbah Suti yang selalu memijat ibu dan saya hingga masa puber datang. Disela-sela itu kadang ada Mbah Karang Rejek (ngg tahu nama aslinya, itu merujuk pada nama desa di Wonosari tempat ia berasal) yang mampir kerumah jika membutuhkan uang. Karena kasian akhirnya sayalah yang jadi korban. Hanya saja gaya memijat dia seperti orang tripping. Pake merem melek segala. Padahal mijitnya juga enggak keras banget.

Ketika di Jogja saya mulai jarang dipijit. Tapi kalau udah giliran sakit (terutama karena banyak kerjaan lapangan) datanglah tukang pijat keluarga. Orangnya sangar, gaya mijatnya otot dan urat . Di Jogja juga ibu saya mulai memijat bayi. Ternyata ibu mewarisi keahlian itu dari nenek yang part time dukun bayi. Dari situ saya mulai diajari memijat dan titik-titik tubuh.

Saat begini masalah datang jika saya sendiri yang capek. Apalagi angkut-angkut ransel, pindah sana sini, naik pesawat 12 jam non stop membuat kebutuhan akan "itu" jadi sangat mendesak. Setiba di Singapore Senin malam (13/08) saya mulai merasakan meriang.

Ketika travelling saya berusaha mampir ke tukang pijat. Sebenarnya enggak diniatin, kebanyakan karena tuntutan tubuh. Biasanya sehabis naik gunung atau trekking saya sisihkan waktu untuk mencicipi elusan tangan. Dari Khaosan Rd, Luang Prabang, Ubud, Shanghai hingga Singapura ini. Pengalaman pijat di berbagai negara membuat saya makin mengenal ciri masing2, gerakan khas dan juga kualitas.

Pijat ala Jawa menurut saya masih terlalu gentle, lebih bagus untuk sekedar melemaskan otot. Di Ubud kebanyakan pemijatnya adalah dari Jogja. Katanya karena mereka ini lebih telaten dengan elusan tangan yang lebih sabar. Gaya Thai lebih cocok untuk saya. Tipenya memang hardcore massages. Menekankan pada titik tubuh tertentu, dengan stretching ala yoga. Kalau tubuh luwes, pijit ini paling mengasyikkan. Ada kerjasama yang unik antara pemijat dan yang dipijat. Seperti ritual ketimbang hanya services.

Saya ngga punya langganan di kota Singapura ini. Sporadic saja sifatnya. Kadang ke sini atau disini. Saya mengkonsentrasikan pada pijat itu sendiri bukan produk spa yang lebih ke facial dan holistic treatment. Kagak kuat duitnya euy...
Minggu2 ini saya nginep didaerah Roberstson Quay yang tinggal nyebrang saja ke Ayuthaya untuk minta dibantai ala Thai. Benar saja dalam satu jam habislah badan ini.

Mark bilang, kenapa sih bayar hanya untuk di bantai. He he he.... memang udah addicts. Satu hal yang pasti : NO KEROK please !

Photo : Butterfly Massages di Shanghai


Saturday, August 11, 2007

A stone from Himalaya

Saya memang pelupa. Seseorang memesan batu dari Himalaya ketika saya trekking di Nepal April lalu. Batu itu ada, tapi entahlah nyelip dimana. Saya sampai ngg berani kontak ybs karena bersalah mengabaikan permintaannya.

Beberapa hari lalu saya menemukan batu itu. Masih di dalam sepatu boot saya. Sehabis trekking Nepal, nyaris saya enggak pernah naik gunung lagi. Ketika saya butuh boots untuk long walking seputaran Hardy Monument minggu lalu eh lha tampaklah sebongkah disana. Berwarna putih, semburat abu-abu dengan kilau logam diantaranya.

Saya amati batu dari Himalaya sungguh mengundang keingintahuan. Karena sesungguhnya umur batu itu sangat muda ditilik dari ilmu geologi. Himalaya terbentuk dari benturan piringan Tibetan (Eurosia) dengan piringan India 10 juta tahun yang lalu. Benturan itu masih terasa sampai sekarang karena piringan India/ makin merasuk membuat pegunungan Himalaya bertambah tinggi tiap tahunnya.

Sekitar 71 juta tahun lalu, piringan India adalah benua tersendiri. Karena pergerakan piringan bumi, ia makin mendekati piringan Eurosia. Benturan itu mencipta deretan pegunungan maha tinggi membentang sejauh 2400km dan selebar 300km. Antara Punjab Himalaya dengan sungai Indus hingga Bhutan yang terwakili sungai Tsangpao.

Saya mengambil batu itu ditepian jalan antara Lobuche (4910m) menuju Gorak Shep.(5540m). Jalan itu berbukit-bukit, naik dan turun tanpa henti. Disela keletihan dan nafas yang pendek karena ketinggian saya merenungi. Benar-benar menguji kesabaran dan keteguhan. Berjalan sendiri, menatap puncak gunung dikejauhan.

Jalur yang kita lewati itu sebenarnya adalah tebing glesier yang melewati Everest Range. Tiba pada suatu point akan terlihat biru-nya es glasier yang membentang dari badan Lhotse hingga ketinggian Lobuche. Glesier adalah pembawa mineral dan batuan hingga ke sungai dibawahnya. Glesier adalah juga sumber air bagi sungai-sungai besar di Himalaya. Sumber dari sungai Gangga, sungai Mekong bahkan sungai Kuning di China.

Batu itu adalah saksi mati perjalanan panjang dari puncak gunung hingga ketepian glesier dan mungkin hingga kembali ke laut. Juga saksi tak hidup perjalanan saya menuju kaki Everest. Maaf saya tak sempat menyentuh puncak dunia.

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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A Home for me

We have a house, small one. But we can not say that our home. We've been living from one country to another country. Hectic lives. I missed our home really. House that we built from every drop of sweats and tears. God's know where we will moving next week, next month or next year. I'm even not sure.
