Tuesday, July 5, 2005

Great work for WWPanorama

Finnaly my first VR Pano been approved by the team at World Wide Panorama. Thanks Landis, D Bain and Markus !! I am sure all of you were not sleep in the last few days for re-design the site. It is easy guide web that lead viewer to a great collection of 256 panorama from 46 country in small and fullscreen VR. This theme "Water" came up with less text and more pictures (ye..peee..).

Based on three categories : photographer's name, region and map. I found map system was great based on location of the picture and little thumbnails help you to peek the scene. Added sound look fussy, it just little bit boring. Anyway enjoy....

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At July 5, 2005 at 10:22 AM , Anonymous adinoto said...

Hi Ambar!! Nice work you have here!!... reminds me alot of the old days when I first encountered VR on Macs end of 1994 (Simon & Schuster: Startrek Interactive Manual). Then I tried to create one on mid 1996 using Apple QTVR Authoring Tool... and again on my colleagues bungalow, Siangan, Bali mid 2000. :) using both QTWorx? on Mac and Windows.

In 2000 I saw a lot of free VR flying around, and most of them are created on Mac... Too bad I notice (CMIIW) that Apple QTVR Authoring Tools never get update? Are they?? Are you using version 1.0? Or is there any new one?

Kudos to your cool works!

At July 5, 2005 at 5:00 PM , Anonymous --ambar-- said...

QTVR stop updating. I don't know why. I guess so many good stuff out there and most of them you will get it free !!

QTVR also not really friendly with Mac OS X. They work perfectly at the 9 Classic or the QT Pro 6. Most of VR Photos now for real estate marketing or promoting for tourism.

Thanks Macnoto !

At July 5, 2005 at 11:34 PM , Anonymous Hany said...

keyeeeennnn..... kapan2 tak cobo.

At July 6, 2005 at 4:38 AM , Anonymous adinoto said...

Yep, QTVR Authoring Tools seems out the loop of Apple radar these days (I've been long suspecting that the original developers have moved and start up their own company?)

Anyway, if only you've ever experience mTropolis (mFactory), whoa... it enables QT Pano or QT Object created inside multimedia presentation with ease (you can even set the sounds louder when approaching an object defined)...

So many good technologies dies :(


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