Monday, November 26, 2007

I am not a Tiger anymore

In the past few days I've been updated from Mac OSv10.4 Tiger into OSv10.5 Leopard. Since been launch last month I've heard lots good review about it, but dismiss all I decided to give a try. Due my travel, I thought about buying the application back in US sometimes next year but I can not wait. I went to Apple Centre in Taipei and handed me single user Leopard -a fraction more expensive about US$10'ers.

Yes indeed it's really nice transformation. Some suggest to back-up the data first but I had a gamble to put install it soon arrived. No hassle at all. Only takes couple hours and left for more hours to update the system. I was little bit scared that Leopard failed communicate with it's new home.

Things that I love most from Leopard :

1. Tidy-up the docks
It's bring the navigation of applications even easier. It takes me a while to understand 'stacks in the docks' means but yes indeed make my desktop looks neat.

2. Spaces.

Wow ! this is the BEST ever that Leopard can offer me. I have trouble to works in small screen of Macbook 13' using more than five applications in the same time. But now I can manage windows of 4 spaces based of my activities. Like here you can see that first row for coomunications (Firefox, Mail, Adium, Skype), underneath space is dedicated to Adobe Lightroom -photo editor and Photoshop in the extra. The next row (top) is for office jobs such as Windows Words or Excel. And on the bottom right is for iTunes (dedicated only for podcasting and videopodcasting). Yes I works continuesly and constantly on all of them. It's only need single switch from one to another. Cool....

3. Finder and Quick look
It's great that Apple listen our cryout about finding documents. The Quick look just work like on the iTunes so nothing new for me, but to actually peek the file through visual is as good as reminding me. I remember things by picture it so yes Leopard gave a relieve.

4. Mail integrates with RSS Feeds and to do list
I have to admit that I am little bit lazy wandering around RSS Feeds. But Leopard help me by feeds it through Mail System so I can looks blogs updates right on the Mail. For Multiply Social Networking (which I have more than 300 contacts), blogs feeds (including calender, photo) can be read without have to open-up each of them. Most RSS Feeds I've used based on web such kinja, feedburner, google reader or (or many more) but I found it restricted to accsess any minute. By integrated on Mail like doing three job at once.

To Do List also give another nice view of Mail. It did not connect straigt to iCal but you can add, edit, delete from Mail. I did syc iCal with Google Calender which works nice and smoothly.

Things that I have not been trying out yet :
1. Time Machine, because I need BIGGER disk to back-up all. It will have to twice as much our storage now. Yes think about another back-up machine
2. iChat and Safari. I did not used them for personal preferences. I uses Skype and Firefox instead. Safari seems too slow for me while in Taiwan just to download guide tour video of John explains new features of OSv10.5 from Apple site.

Yes, I am not a Tiger-girl anymore.

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